why the design distributed system
three-tier front, app, db.
- easy and flexible
- state of the app is the weak spot
- build individual of complete chunk of the whole system
- pretend you are not building distributed system
- parition could cause two masters.
- client isolation is easy (GDPR)
- complexity
- no comprehensive view of the data(ETL), monitoring and logging. pretend you are not building distributed system, but it is
- oversized shard (bad thing happend if a shared is too big)
lambda: streaming or batch?, bounded vs unbounded
assume: unbouned, immutable data.
- long-term storage, batch, high latency
- temp queuing for unbounded, low latency
- write it to scale db. base frame + delta frame
- messaging. kafka. no global ordering, only within one partition.
com: write the thing twice and only for analysis
streaming: event first vs data frist
- integration is a first-classs concern
Life is dynamic, DB are static
- storing data in message? rentention policy
SLA: how to measure the healthy of the services: Availability/Accurary/TPS/Latency
Consistency: strong consistency, weak consistency and eventual consistency.
Data Durability: Some form of replication is usually used to increase durability
Message Persistence and Durability
Idempotency work for both side.
Designing for idempotent, distributed systems require some sort of distributed locking strategy.
both with distributed locks or database constraints https://www.bennadel.com/blog/3390-considering-strategies-for-idempotency-without-distributed-locking-with-ben-darfler.htm?ref=blog.pragmaticengineer.com
Sharding and Quorum sharding is an interesting area to learn more about, especially around resharding
The Actor Model VS CSP.
Operating a Large, Distributed System in a Reliable Way
infra level monitoring. is this backend service healthy? traffic, errors, latency(p99) Business metrics monitoring
Oncall, Anomaly Detection & Alerting
Outages & Incident Management Processes
Runbooks Communicating outages across the organization Mitigation now, investigation tomorrow
Postmortems, Incident Reviews & a Culture of Ongoing Improvements Postmortems Incident reviews
Failover Drills, Capacity Planning & Blackbox Testing Data center failovers are drills
SLOs, SLAs & Reporting on Them
SRE as an Independent Team
Reliability as an Ongoing Investment