k8s labs

lab 3

This Service exposes pods running the vote-deployment app, which listens on port 80 internally. Externally, it exposes port 5000, which maps to node port 31000, allowing external access to the application.

Create a new service: name = vote-service

port = ‘5000’

targetPort = ‘80’

nodePort= ‘31000’

service endpoint exposes deployment ‘vote-deployment’

This Deployment ensures that one replica of the vote-deployment application (from the image kodekloud/examplevotingapp_vote:before) is always running. It uses default settings for updating pods, and it labels the pods with app: vote-deployment for management purposes. This deployment works alongside the service you previously defined, which routes traffic to this pod.

Create a deployment: name = ‘vote-deployment’

image = ‘kodekloud/examplevotingapp_vote:before’

status: ‘Running’

redis servic:

New Service, name = ‘redis’

port: ‘6379’

targetPort: ‘6379’

type: ‘ClusterIP’

service endpoint exposes deployment ‘redis-deployment’

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Written on September 30, 2024